Subscribe to Our Newletter

Discover the power of generosity and make a lasting impact in our community.

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Deepen Your Faith & Grow Your Generosity: Sign Up Today!

Want to connect with fellow Catholics in Orange County and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others? Subscribing to The Orange Catholic Foundation’s Newsletter will help you:

  • Stay informed and inspired: Get the latest news and stories about the vibrant Catholic community of Orange County.

  • Deepen your faith and experience spiritual growth: Find prayerful and thought-provoking reflections on faith formation and Catholic traditions.

  • Be part of something bigger: Discover upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and other transformational ways to make a difference in your community through The Orange Catholic Foundation.

  • Grow your generosity: Learn about stewardship and explore strategic ways to support Catholic education, parishes, and ministries close to your heart.

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